2010/10/06 | 【转】Fashion Meets Appliances in Creative Window Design
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We should talk more about window design. Not only is this art a great one, but it saddens me to see so many missed opportunities when I’m walking down a city street. This spectacular window design series by Dutch duo Lernert & Sander for big-time London department store Selfridges would make anyone stop and stare. Are those shoes? Wait, are those shoes made out of a washing machine? Very impressive.The windows were created to promote Selfridges’ new shoe galleries and will run ……
2010/09/18 | 【转】一个漂亮的面包包装
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The Flour Pot BakeryThe Flour Pot Bakery Pot strives for a healthy diet with high quality, natural ingredients and environmentally friendly practices.The bakery’s interior space is inviting and warm with natural lighting and eclectic funky displays advertising baked goods.This identity system was designed to convey the unique and handmade qualities of the bakery. The hand-drawn type was inspired by the wiry Christmas lights arranged throughout the dining area. I chose to design a menu th……
2010/09/18 | 【转】The Stamberg Aferiat House in New York by Stamberg Aferiat
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When I cuddled up before bed last week with my copy of October’s Architectural Digest, the front cover featured a rustic stone residence with climbing ivy but inside was the biggest juxtaposition to a stone cottage: the Stamberg Aferiat house by Peter Stamberg and Paul Aferiat. Located on Shelter Island in New York, this architectural marvel is like William Krisel and Mies van der Rohe got married and had a baby named Saarinen who picked colors from the (non-existent) Karim Rashid paint ……
2010/09/03 | 【转】日历围巾
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蛮有意思的一个设计,会让人十足觉得日子拉得很快~~~~ This 2011 Calendar Scarf is a beauty. It’s almost poetic how you are supposed to pull on the yarn as time goes by. If I didn’t have kids, I’d totally put one of these on my walls. In fact, this is the first time I think I endorsed a wall calendar. I usually can’t stand them.
2010/08/31 | 【转】Trianon and La Corounne Lamps by Paula Arntzen
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Made out of white post-consumer coated Tyvek, these Grand Trianon and Petite Trianon by Paula Arntzen for Artecnica are durable and washable.They are named after the palace of King Louis XIV, Trianon lamps are lightweight chandelier — large and small. When lit up, the Trianon lamps emit a soft checkerboard glow from behind their surface of folded slits. Designer Paula Arntzen says, “Both lights are a result of a unique experience I had at the Palace of Versailles combined with my l……
2010/08/30 | 【转】col-letto bed
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Oh, yes, this bed from Lago caught my eye earlier this week and I’m in LUV.The bed features adjustable sides that can act as a headboard, bed cover when guests are over, or even create a cave-like feeling when you’re lying in bed. I also love the nightstands that look like they’ve been unzipped.原文地址=================这个感觉蛮好玩的,就转来了。边沿可以随意翻下来,质感又看起来很舒服,连配套的床头柜都是这样的形式。但是真要让我买一个放家里,还是值得思考一下后续保养问题。。。不过这个蛮适合酒店的,有个性。。。很装啊。。。
2010/06/04 | 【转】无敌了,这些家具
类别(胡图) | 评论(7) | 阅读(84) | 发表于 22:54
2010/05/26 | 【转】现实中的室内变形金刚
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 香港是个寸土寸金的城市,大多数人所拥有的居住空间不过尔尔。但是,在设计师的打造之下,一个面积仅为330平方英尺(约30平方米)的小户型,也被打造得十分人性化。由于折叠家具和推拉挡板墙的运用,房间可以在厨房、书房、洗衣房、更衣室、餐厅和吊床休闲室之间自然切换角色,又不让人觉得拥挤。而落地窗的应用,更是给阳光照射提供了最佳通道,给卧室增加了温馨的气息,也让这个小小的蜗居变得敞亮。 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++转载一号,来自黄老师q空间,后来很兴奋的和小圆童鞋交流这个设计,谁知道小圆可以报出此人名字捏。。。看来偶知识面不够。。。一惊一乍的。。。。。人家老早就有了的啦。。。。++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++转载二号,来自羊城地铁报(2010-02-09)。+++++++++++++++++++++香港设计师张智强32㎡“自宅”设计路透社发了一组香港设计师张智强32平方米“自宅”设计的照片。张智强32平方米的家,像一个标准的酒店房,采用移……
2010/05/24 | 边动边车边拍
类别(胡图) | 评论(1) | 阅读(60) | 发表于 22:38
2010/03/17 | 吴冠中捐赠作品展
类别(胡图) | 评论(2) | 阅读(107) | 发表于 21:36
周末我去了美术馆,看了吴冠中先生的画展后,看别的展厅里的画都觉得不怎么样了。。。。厄。。。。画展也要挑时辰啊。。。。。不然一比就被人家大师比下去了。。。。。====摘一段介绍过来=====出于对浙江、杭州的厚爱,出于对母校之恩的回报,同时也为了支持浙江省美术藏品建设,2009年12月3日,90岁高龄的吴冠中先生向浙江省人民政府和中国美术学院慷慨捐赠了72幅珍品。作为中国美术学院的“老学生”,吴冠中对浙江、对母校怀有深厚感情。在捐赠作品中,共有油画10件、墨彩画29件、《汉字春秋》系列10件、速写7件及吴冠中所珍藏的师友作品16件。不同时期代表作油画《女藏民》、《羊圈》、《春》、《岸》,墨彩画《太湖岸》等均包括其中。更令人敬佩的是,吴冠中捐赠的师友作品,有林风眠、陈之佛两位母校校长给他作为结婚贺礼的册页,也有关良、朱德群、李可染等人的书画精品。======================              &nbs……